2015 Revision
The Llanbedr and Pensarn Yacht Club (LPYC) was formed in 1957 and exists to foster the interests of its members by:-
- Arranging sailing and boating activities including racing, cruising and fishing.
- Maintaining social contact between members.
- Marking the channel and bar.
- Maintaining the club premises and tackle storage facilities.
- Advising on moorings, providing slip and quay facilities and a dinghy park.
The club is concerned with the whole of the Artro Estuary with the exception of Shell Island and the water immediately enclosed by the promontory. In our area there are members moorings. The club does not provide the moorings, that is the members responsibility. The club merely issues a licence as an agent of the Crown. Note also, that although the Harbourmaster will make all reasonable efforts to assist a boat owner, this is not a full time job, it is undertaken voluntarily, and the Harbourmaster cannot be available at all times.
The club facilities which are owned or covered by Agreement include the following:-
- The boathouse at Llandanwg which is the Clubhouse for members.
- The store shed at Llandanwg for the storage of tackle during the season. In the interests of
security members are asked to remove all their property before the winter. STORAGE IS AT
- The slipway and dinghy park and area immediately surrounding the clubhouse and store shed
for slipping and parking small craft.
- The LPYC slipway in the corner near the level crossing gates at Pensarn.
- The car park at Pensarn. (No boats or trailers to be left in the car park except whilst during launching or recovery – land owner’s conditions)
- Members should note that the level crossing gates to Pensarn Quay must be kept shut, and are
occasionally locked. Keys may be obtained from staff at The Ranch. Railway regulations must
be observed.
- The Quay at Pensarn
By agreement with the Christian Mountain Centre (CMC) club members have the use of the area on the
following terms:-
a) Use of the quay wall marked B on the plan for short term berthing (one tide) to load or unload or work on the boat.
b) The area along the top of the quay wall adjoining A & B for access and short term parking whilst loading and unloading.
c) The length of quay marked C may be only be used out of season by arrangement with CMC, but must be kept totally clear between March and September.
d) Use of the LPYC slipway in the corner near the gates available to members at all times. The slip between B & C may be used for dinghies with CMC permission, but note that this slip is not suitable for launching except at high water.
e) Long term winter berthing (bows to quay) at A is by private arrangement with CMC subject to payment of fee. Unoccupied positions may be used subject to CMC permission and clearance with tenants.
f) Access to drinking water tap on the quay at B.
g) The car park on the quay is private for use by CMC and is constantly in use – please do not leave vehicles there.